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CREATE after school club

Workshop leader:

Sarah Redmond-Fareham

CREATE is a thriving after school club at Walford Mill that takes place on Wednesday and Thursday between 4-5pm during term time. CREATE is suitable for students from 8 to 16 years. The Thursday class in September is currently sold out but we do have TWO SPACES AVAILABLE for the Summer Term which starts in April. If you would like further information or to enquire about a space please email

CREATE is designed and taught by artist and qualified teacher Sarah Redmond-Fareham and students enjoy a wide variety of termly projects specialising in drawing, painting, print, collage, mix media and sculpture.

Sarah is the Children’s Education Coordinator at Walford Mill and teaches a wide variety of art and craft Children’s Holiday workshops, CREATE afterschool clubs and also collaborates with the local Dorset community on our Outreach Education Programme. Sarah is also one of our resident artists at Walford Mill.

Take a sneak peek at some of our CREATE projects and HALF-TERM projects!

CREATE after school club

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